Landes beach sun protection tips
Top Ten Tips for Sun Safety (WHO collaboration centre for sun protection education) :

1- If your shadow is shorter than you, protect yourself, or keep out of the sun.
When the sun is high in the sky, your shadow is short (from noon to 4.00 pm, during summertime in mainland France), UV exposure is high.
2- Use everything you can to protect your skin! A hat, sunglasses, clothing and sunscreen.
A large parasol, a wide-rim hat, sunglasses (wraparound, cat. CE 3 or 4), clothes for coverage (UPF 40+ for intense or long exposure), sunscreen (FPS 25 or more), applied carefully at least every two hours to all exposed skin. This is to protect your skin, rather than to allow you to stay out for longer.

3- Babies and young children need extra protection.
Set a good example. Before puberty, children’s natural defences are immature. Their skin and eyes are more sensitive and are more exposed.

4- Beware of a false sense of security!
UV rays don’t feel hot, especially at the seaside or in the mountains, because of wind and clouds. UV exposure may be high even if it feels cool.
5- Avoid sunburn!
Even when you are tanned, continue to protect yourself. This helps maintain your tan and reduces sun damage.

6- Avoid artificial UV rays.
They increase the risk of cancer, accelerate skin ageing and offer very little protection.
7- Beware of medication, deodorant and perfume!
They can trigger allergies and serious burning in the sunshine. Ask a doctor or pharmacist for advice.
8- Use protection even if you are not specifically sunbathing on the beach.
You need to protect yourself from the sun during outdoor activities such as gardening and sport.
9- Stay hydrated!
Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.
10- Beware of reverberation!
Light, reflective surfaces like snow and water can greatly increase the amount of UV rays the skin and eyes are exposed to.