Bathing water quality
The Syndicat Mixte de Gestion des Baignades landaises was formed to conduct all operations to monitor swimming water quality at the beaches and lakes of its member towns.

The monitoring of swimming water quality focuses on four points:
1. Drafting and updating swimming water profiles
Since 18 September 2008, new regulations have been introduced to manage swimming water quality. Decree No. 2008-990 requires a swimming water profile for all swimming areas registered at the Prefecture. + find out more
2. Ensuring consistency in the monitoring strategy in line with swimming water profiles
Swimming water profiles help to adjust strategies to manage swimming water quality, especially by improving self-inspection schemes. + find out more
3. Applying for certification of the system to manage swimming water quality in the Landes region
Certification is based on a benchmark drafted by the Association Nationale des Elus du Littoral (ANEL), the Association Nationale des Mayors des Stations Classées and des Towns Touristiques (ANMSCCT) with the support of the French Ministries in charge de l’Ecologie (MEEDDAT), health (MSS) and in collaboration with French Ministries for Tourism and the Interior. The aim is to promote the initiatives implemented by the SMGBL and member towns in the past years.
4. All initiatives to communicate on swimming water quality
This initiative aims to inform the public and towns as fully as possible regarding the managing of swimming water quality. This information includes current regulations and practical information on the issue. This initiative involves setting up a website and collaboration with various stakeholderes, especially the Comité Départemental du Tourisme.
Swimming water is analysed from 1 July to 31 August at the Mont-de-Marsan site of the Laboratoires des Pyrénées et des Landes for self-assessment commissioned by the town and the SMGBL.
Registers and testing details may be viewed at the town hall.