Plage Sud
Mimizan plageDaily report
The sky will be cloudy at first, then brighten gradually throughout the day, giving a clear evening.
- Convenient
- Surf Forecast
- All tide times
Monitoring dates & times 2025
Despite being close to the city centre, Mimizan’s South beach is quiet and unspoilt, protected from summer crowds and popular among surfers for its beautiful waves. It stretches several kilometres south of the coastal river, Courant du Mimizan, toward small and large ponds of Maillouèyre. You reach the beach by bike or car. Parking spaces are available along Avenue de l’Océan and there is a large car park at the end of this avenue. Lifeguards supervise the swimming areas during the summer.
Not to be missed:
Take a walk on the “Etang de la Mailloueyre” discovery trail to explore the coastal environment with its wetlands and biodiversity. This is a must-see in Mimizan!
Beach informations
Numéro du poste de secours
+33 5 58 09 25 66 - +33 6 30 19 72 94Tiralos
1 tiralos availableParking
- Car parking
- Motorhome parking
- Bicycle parking
- -
- -
- Free